coaching in Schools

Supporting primary school educators in the UK and overseas to thrive, not just survive

individual coaching

Add coaching to your toolkit of wellbeing support for your school

coachING for excellenCE - NOT observATIONS & scrutinY

support staff wellbeing

improve Teaching

leadership development - ehco and npq facilitation


developing a high performing team

Working with you to improve the performance of your TEAM

Employing a combination of strategies, techniques, and skills that focus on building a cohesive group that works together effectively to achieve common goals. Here are some key steps that can help in developing a high-performing team:

  • Set clear goals and expectations

  • Establish a team culture

  • Develop effective communication

  • Build strong relationships

  • Foster accountability

  • Continuously learn and improve

By implementing these steps, I will support schools to create a high-performing team that is engaged, motivated, and committed to achieving common goals.

Free initial consultation